Sunday, March 8, 2015

Little Fighter

Dear little fighter,
I think
You are just fighting your own battle
the same as with me.

I think you have the same spirit with me
And because of that,
you must not be a bad one.

Hey there little fighter
it's been a year 
i can feel your existence
kickin inside my left elbow

you've been surpassing 2014 very well
or i can say 
that maybe it is because of you
i may experience 2014 very well

because of you i take yoga lesson again
painful like hell but strengthing my core really well
got speedy recovery after my half and full course marathon
i feel safe to hike because i have better balance and stronger legs

hence, you come stronger with your kicks
sudden in time, wildly

which stil remains a mystery for me
who are you? and where are you?

Ultrasound can't find your existence
Radiologist first think that maybe i am just too hyperbolic to think about you
My fisiotherapist also guessing around about your form

We are all still wondering.
Who are you.
And Where exactly are you

Finally I went to that Magnetic giant capsule
And they asked for me to contrast you
They suspect you, they said
They suspect if you are being bad

tomorrow i will be introduced to you
Honestly, I don't think you will be a bad one
Maybe you are just too shy to show yourself

Because after all these times
you are the one bringing me to the idea of
sustainability of love

Learn to keep attention more to my physical condition
because i know if i really love those adventures
i should keep my physics well, in a sustain time

I learn to be involved directly, persistently
in the development of my wellness
and last, i learn to take a 'right' path to understand you
not just an instant way
choosing which way i understand well
not just listening to others
and copying others prejudice

I don't think you will take away my freedom of activity
Because you've been fighting together with me

I think
You are just fighting your own battle
the same as with me.
I think you have the same spirit with me
And because of that,
you must not be a bad one.

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